Industry Insights

Welcome to Pink Space Theory's Industry News page, your go-to source for the latest updates and insights in STEM news and STEAM education in Northern Virginia. Here, we cover exciting developments, innovative practices, and inspiring stories in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

Pacific Chapter of the Internet Society

The Pacific Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC) is a non-profit organization that is interested in expanding internet access to remote and rural parts of the Pacific region. PICISOC is also working towards advancing technology, encouraging knowledge of coding and hosting hackathons to solve social issues.

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STEM Careers, Appreciation, Heritage, International Michelle Camden STEM Careers, Appreciation, Heritage, International Michelle Camden

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month and was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States in May 1843 and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad in May 1869 by Chinese immigrants. Since then Asian Americans have continued to make many contributions to STEM fields, and we at Pink Space Theory want to highlight some of these innovators for inspiring us.

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Pink Space Theory Sparks a Love for STEM in Virginian Schools

Pink Space Theory works to spark a love for STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) in girls and minorities, and our mobile makerspace is based in the Washington D.C. area. Our most recent event saw us uniting with one of our successful Pink Space Theory volunteers – Yuktha.

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STEM Careers, STEM, Women in STEM Monica Nichols STEM Careers, STEM, Women in STEM Monica Nichols

Pink Space Theory Heroes: Providing Girls and Students in Underserved Communities with a Path into STEM

Gender inequality is still a major issue within STEM, only 28% of STEM workers being female in 2018. With these statistics in mind, this is where Pink Space Theory comes to the rescue. With our Giving Tuesday campaign, you can become a Pink Space Theory Hero by donating to our Make Tech Pink Program. This enrichment program specifically targets girls from low-income households who are in Grades 3 to 6 within Title 1 schools.

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