Industry Insights

Welcome to Pink Space Theory's Industry News page, your go-to source for the latest updates and insights in STEM news and STEAM education in Northern Virginia. Here, we cover exciting developments, innovative practices, and inspiring stories in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

Pink Space Theory Sparks a Love for STEM in Virginian Schools

Pink Space Theory works to spark a love for STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) in girls and minorities, and our mobile makerspace is based in the Washington D.C. area. Our most recent event saw us uniting with one of our successful Pink Space Theory volunteers – Yuktha.

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STEAM, Genes, Genetics, Biology Activity Claire Gardner STEAM, Genes, Genetics, Biology Activity Claire Gardner

The Beauty of Genetics

Have you ever wondered how you got your looks? Why you have blue eyes when your brother has brown eyes, or why your sister is a red-head when no one else in the family is. Why you may be left-handed, but both your parents are right-handed. All of your basic characteristics- hair color, eye color, hand dominance, etc.- come from your genes. These genes are found…

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