Industry Insights

Welcome to Pink Space Theory's Industry News page, your go-to source for the latest updates and insights in STEM news and STEAM education in Northern Virginia. Here, we cover exciting developments, innovative practices, and inspiring stories in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Explore how our STEM classes for kids are making an impact

Cause Campaign, Giving Back Monica Nichols Cause Campaign, Giving Back Monica Nichols

Fundraiser organized to support STEM program for Prince William County girls

Pink Space Theory is participating in a 24-hour giving campaign on Sept. 9 to raise money for the Make Tech Pink Program, a 6-week computer coding program that mentors girls from underserved communities in Prince William County, Virginia.

The science, technology, engineering, art, and math program aims to close the gender gap in the STEM industry by inspiring young girls to consider entering the workforce. With enough community support, 15 Prince William County girls will have the opportunity in October …

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Science, STEM, Women Engineer Claire Gardner Science, STEM, Women Engineer Claire Gardner

Female Engineers helping #ShapeTheWorld

Did you know that of the 47% of females in the workforce, only 14% are in engineering? The Women’s Engineering Society is hoping to change that with future generations through raising awareness and highlighting exciting career opportunities for women in engineering. Their annual event, International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), is happening on June 23 this year, and the theme for 2021…

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Health Care, STEAM Claire Gardner Health Care, STEAM Claire Gardner

Laboratory Scientists: the Disease Detectives : April 18-24, 2021: Medical Laboratory Professionals Week

Medical Laboratory Science: An area of the medical field that performs tests to see how the body is functioning in order to help doctors identify diseases and treat them properly. The individuals who run these lab tests are called Medical/Clinical Laboratory Scientists (MLS/CLS). It is estimated that roughly…

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Activities, Cause Campaign, Family, STEM News, New Year Monica Nichols Activities, Cause Campaign, Family, STEM News, New Year Monica Nichols

Happy New Year!

On behalf of the Pink Space Theory Team, I want to thank everyone for supporting us this year. Despite this year's challenges, our community of volunteers, corporations, and local businesses came together to help us impact the lives of others. Amy Leigh Mercree's quote, "Kindness can transform someone's dark moment with a blaze of light. You'll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today." sums up what unwavering sacrifice can do for others during challenging times.

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Computer Programming, Computer Science Talei Caucau Computer Programming, Computer Science Talei Caucau

Women in Technology: How Kiri Lenagh-Glue Found Her Place in Computer Science

Kiri Lenagh-Glue is a young Kiwi scientist who was born and raised in the US, and then returned to New Zealand for university, where she attended the prestigious University of Otago. Kiri has now graduated with a double-degree in Ancient History and Computer Science, but wasn’t until High School that she became passionate about Computer Science.

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