Fundraiser organized to support STEM program for Prince William County girls

Make Tech Pink aims to close the STEM gender gap 

Pink Space Theory is participating in a 24-hour giving campaign on Sept. 9 to raise money for the Make Tech Pink Program, a 6-week computer coding program that mentors girls from underserved communities in Prince William County, Virginia.  

The science, technology, engineering, art, and math program aims to close the gender gap in the STEM industry by inspiring young girls to consider entering the workforce. With enough community support, 15 Prince William County girls will have the opportunity in October to learn important collaborative, coding, and technical skills through the Make Tech Pink Program.

This will be the second cohort of students in Prince William County to participate in Make Tech Pink. 

Earlier this year, 14 girls at Swans Creek Elementary successfully completed the 6-week STEM program. Working in small groups, the girls wrote computer programs for a robot called “Sphero Bolt.” They learned how to code the robot to retell the “Three Little Pigs” story and presented their work to their families during a graduation ceremony. 

The girls were also able to learn about famous women in history who made significant contributions to the STEM industry, leaving them with positive female role models to look up to. 

Why closing the STEM gender gap is important  

Building a strong pipeline of future female STEM workers is vital for Prince William County and the economic future of the surrounding region by creating jobs with high earning potential. 

By 2026, the country’s STEM workforce is expected to grow by at least 2.5 million workers. On average, STEM workers earn $14,000 more per year than workers in non-STEM fields, according to federal economic research.

However, as of 2021, only 29% of the STEM workers were women

Experts believe that many women don’t enter the STEM workforce due to negative stereotypes and limited educational opportunities early in life. 

Through programs like Make Tech Pink, we can inspire a new generation of girls to pursue careers in STEM-related fields. In fact, surveys show that at least a quarter of all Make Tech Pink participants are inspired to take further computer science and STEM-related classes. 

How to give back to underserved Prince William County girls 

Community support is necessary to bring this unique STEM learning opportunity to Prince William County students. 

Donations will be used to cover the cost of programming, classroom supplies, Sphero Robots, and future learning opportunities.   

Donations of any amount is greatly appreciated. 

To understand the cost of overall the program, one $60 donation will allow two students to participate in a coding session. A donation of $1,000 will pay for one 6-week program at an existing Prince William County School. 

A $3,200 donation will sponsor a new, 6-week Make Tech program at a school of your choosing. 

Click here to donate and learn more about Make Tech Pink in Prince William County. 

Please mark your calendar for September 9 to support our Make Tech Pink Program! 



Pink Space Theory Awarded a STEM Action Grant
