Industry Insights

Welcome to Pink Space Theory's Industry News page, your go-to source for the latest updates and insights in STEM news and STEAM education in Northern Virginia. Here, we cover exciting developments, innovative practices, and inspiring stories in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Explore how our STEM classes for kids are making an impact

Science Claire Gardner Science Claire Gardner

Snowflakes: a Mixture of Beauty and Science

As the end of the year approaches, one thing we know is coming (or has already come) is lots of snow! Millions of individual snowflakes falling from the clouds, forming smooth white blankets over our cars, houses, yards, and streets. Now, we know that snow falling

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Activities Monica Nichols Activities Monica Nichols


Depending on where you live, dealing with snow may be an unavoidable hassle on your daily commute, so why not make the best of it by bringing it into the classroom with you? No two snowflakes are alike. This is common knowledge. But do you know the story behind how it was discovered? Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley was a pioneer in the science of snow…

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