Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math For Everyone! Service Project at Marumsco Elementary

Pink Space Theory is continuing its partnerships with local community businesses to make science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) learning opportunities accessible available for everyone. Thank you, Lustine Toyota, for supporting our service project —STEAM for Everyone! A project dedicated to helping Title 1 schools such as Marumsco Elementary provide students with access to hands-on engaging STEAM projects.

Because of Toyota's generosity, Pink Space Theory donated 100 Basketball Catapult STEAM boxes to help students learn about science and math concepts in a fun and engaging way! Diana Rengifo, a Pink Space Theory volunteer, participated in the drop-off event. This project resonated with Diana since she attended Marumsco Hills Elementary. Diana is now an honor student at George Mason University, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems and Operation Management. This event was just one way Diana helps to inspire others to pursue STEAM-related careers.

Thank you, Lustine Toyota, for making a difference in the community!


Happy New Year!


Snowflakes: a Mixture of Beauty and Science