Pink Space Theory

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The United Nations has proclaimed the theme for 2019 World Wildlife Day occurring on March 3, 2019, is "Life Below Water: For people and planet”. There are over 200,000 creatures that live in the oceans. The group also points out that over 3 billion people around the world rely on the water for their livelihood. While you will be enjoying time with your family on that day, you will still want to get your students involved in protecting marine wildlife around the world. You may want also want to share the special posters created for the event with your students. 

Students can easily use creative writing to learn about different types of marine wildlife.  Start by asking your students about their favorite comics. Tell the students that they will be picking out a marine creature to feature in their comic strip. Give the students some time to brainstorm about what creature they would like to learn about. 

Create a brainstorming handout encouraging students to start gathering information for their comic strips. You may want to create columns for what creatures are in each scene if they are saying anything, what the landscape looks like and what action occurs. 

Hand each student blank papers to create their comic strips. After the work is completed, then the students can share their comic strips orally or you may want to put them up on a wall in your classroom or send them home with the child to share with other family members. 

Getting children involved in learning about marine wildlife is a great way to encourage them to protect it in the future.